
Photographic Essay: Chasing the Ghosts of Franco

Born in Madrid on 07/02/1972

Degree in Economics and Business. UCM. Year 1997. Specialty Economic Development and International Economics

Studying Anthropology Degree, UNED.

Photography Coordinator in Diagonal newspaper

Co-founder of the agency DISOpress


Special Jury Mention Award Alcalá de Henares Photography 1014

III Photo Contest photograph Majadahonda-First Prize

1st place 2012 IPA Awards. Political Non-pro Photon Festival 2012: Projection Night

Nomads Portfolio Prize Photogenic Honours 2010


“ARGAZKI ERAKUSKETA: HARRESIAK. THE WALLS”, Zabaldi, Pamplona, November 2014

Three photographers: fable, fiction and document. Gallery Pelayo 47, Madrid. June 2013

Strangers on my door: Etxe kaleratxeen biktimak. Space Kalaska, Zabaldi. Pamplona. April 2013

Women rebels. Dec-March 2013, The Gallery of Mar. Las Negras Almeria. January-March 2013

Spanish Revolution, Royal Photographic Society, Madrid. February-March 2012

Garimpeiros, Hika Ateneo, Bilbao. January-February 2011 Being a woman in Mozambique, Madreselva Foundation, various cities. Years 2009-2010

Looks at Refugee Women, for the NGO Rescate. Various exhibitions: ICO Foundation (Madrid). WSF Immigration, Rivas Vaciamadrid, Madrid. Year 2006. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I

Palestine: To exist is to resist "exhibition in the gallery Off Limits, Madrid. Year 2009.CentrodeMedios


They called democracy. Icaria Ed 2013

What is it? They have not yet home. Intermittent Aurora Foundation 2011

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